Copygirl Anna Mitchael Michelle Sassa 9780425281123 Books

Copygirl Anna Mitchael Michelle Sassa 9780425281123 Books
For all those who have been in advertising or have ever wanted to be, Copygirl is a fantastic little window into the creative world. Or maybe you just want a page-turner book with low stress and a happy ending - this is also for you. Anna and Michelle have created a super fun read for all the lovers of Mad Men's Peggy Olson - but given her a modern edge and fresh personal artistic outlet. Love it!! "Don't be a Copygirl!" Honestly it mostly left me inspired to get a new and interesting hobby... Such a great read.
Tags : Copygirl [Anna Mitchael, Michelle Sassa] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b> Mad</i> Men</i> meets The</i> Devil</i> Wears</i> Prada</i> in this lively debut about a young woman working at the hippest ad agency in New York...</b> So. You want to work in advertising. The glitz,Anna Mitchael, Michelle Sassa,Copygirl,Berkley,0425281124,Advertising agencies,Advertising agencies;Fiction.,FICTION Contemporary Women.,Young women - New York (State) - New York,Young women;New York (State);New York;Fiction.,Contemporary Women,FICTION Women,Fiction,Fiction - General,Fiction Contemporary Women,Fiction Romance Contemporary,Fiction Urban,FictionRomance - Contemporary,GENERAL,General Adult,Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945),New York,POPULAR AMERICAN FICTION,Romance - Contemporary,United States
Copygirl Anna Mitchael Michelle Sassa 9780425281123 Books Reviews
The book is about not conforming to what society expects of you. Good read.
More than a "chick-lit" book, this wonderful tale of a young woman navigating her way into her profession speaks to all of us women who have braved good-ole'-boys-clubs to take our place at the table because we knew our input mattered. At 50, I read this book and reminisce on my professional journey and I share it with every young woman I know. Its that kind of book - inspirational and raw, yet delivered with light-hearted wit. My advice - buy this book for your daughter, her friends, and your granddaughters. The companionship and hope in its pages will light their path as they take their place in this world, finding their seat at the table.
I bought this book in support of my daughter's friend (one of the authors) not sure what the story was about. Once I picked up the book I could not put it down. The authors did a great job on the witty yet serious story line. This book is a must read! Cannot wait for book two from these two ladies!
GREAT read, I highly recommend Copygirl. I couldn't put it down, I loved the story, the characters, and the take on the stereotypical boutique ad agency types. I laughed out loud many times! Joshjohnjay....50 year olds dressing like 18 year olds and talking in raplish....I could go on. The main character is clever, doesn't take herself too seriously, and meets challenges head on...the positive attitude and what can happen with a shake-it-off I-can-do-this spirit shines through. Love that. My main problem was staying up too late, I couldn't wait to read it and had a seriously hard time cutting myself off. My wife is reading it now and she has the same problem.
This is a fun, quick read about a fast-paced and at times, ridiculous industry. The book kept my attention and made me laugh. It's also a very true portrayal of agency life and the struggles that women face in today's advertising world. I'd love to read a followup about where Kay ends up — both personally and professionally. hint hint!
No one has ever written about the crazy world of advertising like this, and from the female perspective at that. I felt like the main character was as vulnerable to read as a chat with one of my good girlfriends. I rooted for her in work and in love. And in her dolls. How I loved the wax dolls. They need their own youtube video now. I don't want to give away the ending but it screams for her to come back to us in a second book. Copy that!
This book was a great read. It reminded me of the same flow from the Shopaholic books (by Sophie Kinsella). I connected with the awkwardness and insecurity felt by the Kay in the beginning of the book and how she was just trying to do a "good job" and do what she learned in college. The realization that school doesn't prepare you for the real world is a hard lesson for everyone, but one learned by Kay. I would definitely recommend this book.
For all those who have been in advertising or have ever wanted to be, Copygirl is a fantastic little window into the creative world. Or maybe you just want a page-turner book with low stress and a happy ending - this is also for you. Anna and Michelle have created a super fun read for all the lovers of Mad Men's Peggy Olson - but given her a modern edge and fresh personal artistic outlet. Love it!! "Don't be a Copygirl!" Honestly it mostly left me inspired to get a new and interesting hobby... Such a great read.

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