Mistwood Leah Cypess Books

Mistwood Leah Cypess Books
-Originally posted at BookYAReview- ([...])Mistwood is a whirlwind of a fantasy adventure with fun characters and a tale for the ages. I couldn't put it down!
Mistwood starts with immediate action and never seizes to let up. I was instantly emerged into this world, exploring the epic fantasy parts of it with the castles and ghosts and everything brilliant about it. Mistwood has everything I love it in a fantasy novel: castles (love!), supernatural creatures, and an excellent protagonist that I could connect with.
Because Isabel is a really awesome for the fact that she doesn't remember her past. People tell her she is the "Shifter", the one and only person who could save their kingdom. And the really interesting thing is that she doesn't know how. And I loved how Cypess brought up that question and played upon it, diving deeper into it all the way up to the fantastic climax.
And Rokan is another stunning character! He's a prince with a haunting past that made his character development soar higher as Mistwood progressed. But not only are our main characters great; even the minor characters are fantastic and well-developed. Not a single one annoyed me. Not even our villain! (Which I will not spoil, since the villain is almost kept a secret for the majority of the book.)
The ending. Mind. Equals. Blown. I couldn't turn those pages fast enough, and once something wicked about a character is revealed, I was amazed and stunned just at how well Leah Cypess pulled it off. Just everything about Mistwood is mind-blowing, but my favorite part is the world, especially the world of the Mistwood. It's original, unique, and unlike anything I've ever read about it. That's why Mistwood is so special to me.
Mysterious and wonderful, Mistwood is a must-read for fans of fantasy. One of my favorite reads of 2012. Beautiful and mesmerizing!

Tags : Amazon.com: Mistwood (9780061956997): Leah Cypess: Books,Leah Cypess,Mistwood,Greenwillow Books,0061956996,Fantasy - General,Fantasy,Kings, queens, rulers, etc,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.;Fiction.,Loyalty,Loyalty;Fiction.,Magic,Magic;Fiction.,Action & Adventure - General,Adventure stories (Children's Teenage),Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Kings, queens, rulers, etc.,Royalty (kings queens princes princesses knights etc.),TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult FictionAction & Adventure - General,Young Adult FictionRomance - General
Mistwood Leah Cypess Books Reviews
Short and Sweet
Mistwood is a beautifully written and engaging read. Isabel is a direct, wild, fierce girl and a force to be rekoned with while still having a bit of sassiness and vulnerablitiy on the side. This is her journey of discovering who/what she is after the loss of her memory. She doesn't know who to trust or what's going on. She just follows that natural born instinct inside of her. I loved trying to figure out her story alongside of her and although it was hard to relate to her since she wasn't technically human, I really did come to love her and was rooting for her.
However, although the plot and Isabel are enticing, I had a big problem with the last quarter of the book. Isabel becomes incredibly indecisive due to some new revelations, but I don't really understand her choice in the end.
I mean, she found the real prince so shouldn't her loyalty have switched over? I know the bracelet helped, but what about when it was off? The ending was just rather confusing.
*end spoiler*
Also, I don't really feel that the ending was...satisfying. We figure out the main plot arc, but I feel as if there was something missing.
This is definitely a book worth reading. If you like strong characters and a bit of mystery, then this is a must-read. And although I didn't feel that the ending was completely satisfying, no other reviews I've read have mentioned this so perhaps it was just me. I definitely say give it a try!
I've been trying to read some of the books that I've had sitting around for a while and decided to finally crack Mistwood, even though I wasn't sure I was in the mood for it. It's about Isabel, an immortal being made of mist and fog that can shift to human or animal form, hence her being known as the Shifter. Through magic performed hundreds of years before, the Shifter has been sworn to be loyal to and protect the royal family of Samorna. When she's not doing that, she returns to her forest, the Mistwood, and lives as the mist and other animals, until she is needed again.
It is time for Rokan to become king and he feels there's a threat to his life and his reign as king, which is why he goes to the forest to bring Isabel back to the castle with him. It's immediately obvious to Isabel that, not only is Rokan lying to her, but it seems that everyone is hiding something. To make matters worse, Isabel doesn't have most of her memories and can't remember why she left 10 years ago. Not only that but, while she retains some of her powers, she can't bring herself to shift her form, which makes it harder to fight those who would harm not only Rokan, but herself. Some, like the prince's head sorcerer, Albin, think she can't be trusted and would be happy if she vanished forever.
I really wasn't sure what to expect from Mistwood and, to be honest, I was frustrated and annoyed for a good part of the book. I like when the author keeps me in the dark and it's hard to guess what's going on, but I felt like the hints that came in drips and drabs were meant more to keep the reader confused rather than to shine a light on what was really going on. I felt the same way about all of the intrigue, constantly wondering who was lying and who was really loyal to whom.
Isabel drove me a little nuts at times because she always tried to be the Shifter and, though I understand it was because it was so foreign to her, fought the strangely human emotions she was feeling. I would have also liked some more scenes between her and Rokan where their guards were down a little more and where there was more interaction; maybe showing her how to play the board game he'd been playing with Will in one scene or talking about something not related to the coronation or who was trying to kill him. Just something to really show that they were growing closer despite Isabel's fighting against it and to explain a bit better why there was a connection that seemed to be developing between them.
At one point, I was trying to blow through the book just so I could get to the end, find out what was going on and be justified in saying the frustration of being in the dark for so long wasn't worth hanging in until the end then giving it a maximum of three stars. However, once I got to the end, there was no way I could do that. I really thought Cypess did a great job in tying everything together and, by the last few pages I was mentally slapping my forehead going, "Oooooooh!" I really thought the ending was original and it everything did make sense. I would've liked another chapter or two, especially now that I know that Nightspell isn't actually a sequel, but a companion novel. Still, though this was one of the more frustrating reads I've ever had, I ended up really liking this book.
-Originally posted at BookYAReview- ([...])
Mistwood is a whirlwind of a fantasy adventure with fun characters and a tale for the ages. I couldn't put it down!
Mistwood starts with immediate action and never seizes to let up. I was instantly emerged into this world, exploring the epic fantasy parts of it with the castles and ghosts and everything brilliant about it. Mistwood has everything I love it in a fantasy novel castles (love!), supernatural creatures, and an excellent protagonist that I could connect with.
Because Isabel is a really awesome for the fact that she doesn't remember her past. People tell her she is the "Shifter", the one and only person who could save their kingdom. And the really interesting thing is that she doesn't know how. And I loved how Cypess brought up that question and played upon it, diving deeper into it all the way up to the fantastic climax.
And Rokan is another stunning character! He's a prince with a haunting past that made his character development soar higher as Mistwood progressed. But not only are our main characters great; even the minor characters are fantastic and well-developed. Not a single one annoyed me. Not even our villain! (Which I will not spoil, since the villain is almost kept a secret for the majority of the book.)
The ending. Mind. Equals. Blown. I couldn't turn those pages fast enough, and once something wicked about a character is revealed, I was amazed and stunned just at how well Leah Cypess pulled it off. Just everything about Mistwood is mind-blowing, but my favorite part is the world, especially the world of the Mistwood. It's original, unique, and unlike anything I've ever read about it. That's why Mistwood is so special to me.
Mysterious and wonderful, Mistwood is a must-read for fans of fantasy. One of my favorite reads of 2012. Beautiful and mesmerizing!

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