Dealing with Dragons The Enchanted Forest Chronicles Book One Patricia C Wrede Books

Dealing with Dragons The Enchanted Forest Chronicles Book One Patricia C Wrede Books
I've slowly been making my way through a long list of books I've wanted to read, thanks to the recommendations of a librarian friend of mine. She couldn't sing enough praises about this book, in particular for its excellently written main character, and I'm in total agreement, for this is one of the best "fractured fairy tales" I've ever read.In a fairy tale world filled with knights, wizards, and dragons and the like, a young princess named Cimorene grows tired of her life at the castle, and is increasingly fed up with everyone deciding what her life should be like. So one day, she finally runs away and willingly lets herself be captured by a group of dragons so she can live with them. The most kind and reasonable of the bunch, Kazul, agrees to take her in, in exchange for her helping to clean and cook and other such duties for the dragons. And so begins a series of funny misadventures as Cimorene carves out a new life for herself while chasing away knights, befriending witches, and foiling a diabolical plot by an evil wizard.
This story predates "Shrek" by a great many years, and does the "twisted fairy tale" much better. It doesn't rely on pop culture jokes and is instead funny just by the simple act of taking the usual fantasy clichés and messing with them. Cimorene is one of the best examples of a "strong female character". She's smart, capable, and can hold her own in a fight, but not at the sacrifice of making her unemotional or mean. She gets reasonably frustrated or frightened, but powers on through and keeps a cool head. And her insistence on bucking the system leads to a fair share of funny moments, like her having to correct a knight on his sword technique, to constantly outsmarting a pair of bumbling wizards.
And the world of the dragons is interesting, with their own set of rules, and a magic system that's well thought out and doesn't contradict itself. Kazul is almost a motherly figure to Cimorene, and though we stick with her the most, all the dragons that appear have unique designs and personalities (and reasonable explanations for why they don't favor princes or wizards, though in this world, they try not to cause trouble to begin with). And through the unlikely friendship of a dragon and her princess, this fantasy land that's so insistent on following "the rules" just may get turned on its head for the better.
So while this is its own, original story, if you like moves like "Shrek" or "Hoodwinked", and like seeing fairy tale tropes totally messed with, then this is the book for you. I now can't wait to check out the sequels.

Tags : Dealing with Dragons: The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Book One (9780152045661): Patricia C. Wrede: Books,Patricia C. Wrede,Dealing with Dragons: The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Book One,Sandpiper,015204566X,Fantasy - General,Girls & Women,Humorous - General,Dragons,Dragons;Fiction.,Fairy tales,Fairy tales.,Humorous stories,Princesses,Princesses;Fiction.,Wizards,Action & Adventure - General,Children's Teenage fiction & true stories,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Royalty,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction Girls & Women,Juvenile Fiction Humorous Stories,Juvenile FictionAnimals - Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical,Juvenile FictionHumorous Stories,Juvenile FictionRoyalty (kings,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Royalty (kings queens princes princesses knights etc.),United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Humorous General,Action & Adventure - General,Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION Royalty,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction Girls & Women,Juvenile Fiction Humorous Stories,Juvenile FictionAnimals - Dragons, Unicorns & Mythical,Juvenile FictionHumorous Stories,Juvenile FictionRoyalty (kings,Royalty (kings queens princes princesses knights etc.),YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Humorous General,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Grades 4-6,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Children's Teenage fiction & true stories
Dealing with Dragons The Enchanted Forest Chronicles Book One Patricia C Wrede Books Reviews
I read this when I was much younger, and it was even better the second time. Cimorene takes NO CRAP, not even from dragons. It's so refreshing to see princesses with a can-do attitude that have agency to their own stories, and compassion for others. This book was ahead of its time when it was published, but I hope that young readers will embrace this with both hands.
This book has been one of my favorites since I was a child, and I was so glad to be able to share it with a new generation of kids. Cimorene is snarky, practical, adventurous, and responsible-- pretty much everything I've ever wanted to be. And she gets to live with dragons!
I was so excited to get this book! I love books & their stories but I rarely find the time to SIT DOWN & read. I usually listen to them while in the garden, cleaning the house, or while I'm painting.
I have many full cast audio books & it was really cool hearing voices I've heard before in what I assume is one of their first productions.
The quality was not as good as their later stories the audio quality was tinney, the voice actors were a little too rushed & over-expressive.
Despite these deficiencies the book is not unbearable to listen to & I get so caught up in the story that I stop noticing. Overall I say that it is worth the purchase!
I never had the chance to read the Enchanted Forest Chronicles as a child or young adult. I didn't like books and thought they were boring. I think it was that I'd not found "my series." You know the one. The series that snares you and you can't get free, and you enjoy every struggle and strangle and twist and turn. Harry Potter was that book for many people in the last few years.
I gave Dealing With Dragons a shot after a friend recommended it, and I was hooked. The humor and wit, the clever twists to classic fairy tales, and (especially) the unique and colorful characters made me love reading. I am a slow reader by nature but I powered through the series.
I don't believe in giving 5 star reviews. Everything can be improved upon, everything can be made better some way; but for the life of me I can't think how Dealing With Dragons, and by extension The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, could get much better. That said I am sorely tempted to break my rule and put a 5 on this.
I can not recommend this book enough. I only hope my series becomes your series too.
This was one of the books, possibly "the" book, that honestly got me hooked on reading. Its approachable, fun, and at the time was fairly different in standing a lot of tropes on their head. I know that isn't really unique now, everyone's doing it, or trying to anyway, arguably anti-trope writing is the new trope. I've long had the full series in my bookshelf in both paper and hard back. Maybe its nostalgia but I like the old covers better than these new ones. The original paperbacks in particular had a more adult book look to them I liked that but I can also understand getting away from it. Anyway, the entire reason I bought this copy was so I could put it into the local neighborhood library enclosure I found to try and share the love. Its disappeared so hopefully someone is enjoying it. If it doesn't show back up I'll be buying another copy to replace it. That's how much I, maybe irrationally, love this series. (Going to acknowledge though, the last book, that steps away from Cimorene as a prominent character? Good but a step down from the rest.)
I've slowly been making my way through a long list of books I've wanted to read, thanks to the recommendations of a librarian friend of mine. She couldn't sing enough praises about this book, in particular for its excellently written main character, and I'm in total agreement, for this is one of the best "fractured fairy tales" I've ever read.
In a fairy tale world filled with knights, wizards, and dragons and the like, a young princess named Cimorene grows tired of her life at the castle, and is increasingly fed up with everyone deciding what her life should be like. So one day, she finally runs away and willingly lets herself be captured by a group of dragons so she can live with them. The most kind and reasonable of the bunch, Kazul, agrees to take her in, in exchange for her helping to clean and cook and other such duties for the dragons. And so begins a series of funny misadventures as Cimorene carves out a new life for herself while chasing away knights, befriending witches, and foiling a diabolical plot by an evil wizard.
This story predates "Shrek" by a great many years, and does the "twisted fairy tale" much better. It doesn't rely on pop culture jokes and is instead funny just by the simple act of taking the usual fantasy clichés and messing with them. Cimorene is one of the best examples of a "strong female character". She's smart, capable, and can hold her own in a fight, but not at the sacrifice of making her unemotional or mean. She gets reasonably frustrated or frightened, but powers on through and keeps a cool head. And her insistence on bucking the system leads to a fair share of funny moments, like her having to correct a knight on his sword technique, to constantly outsmarting a pair of bumbling wizards.
And the world of the dragons is interesting, with their own set of rules, and a magic system that's well thought out and doesn't contradict itself. Kazul is almost a motherly figure to Cimorene, and though we stick with her the most, all the dragons that appear have unique designs and personalities (and reasonable explanations for why they don't favor princes or wizards, though in this world, they try not to cause trouble to begin with). And through the unlikely friendship of a dragon and her princess, this fantasy land that's so insistent on following "the rules" just may get turned on its head for the better.
So while this is its own, original story, if you like moves like "Shrek" or "Hoodwinked", and like seeing fairy tale tropes totally messed with, then this is the book for you. I now can't wait to check out the sequels.

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