Karate Stupid A True Story of Survival eBook Scott Langley

Karate Stupid A True Story of Survival eBook Scott Langley
I enjoyed the book and couldn't put it down. It read like a great fiction complete with suspense, a protagonist, and antagonists; but it read less like a real story about a graduate of the instructor's course. There it fell far short. It lacked detail of what was going on with our beloved JKA, lacked real detail about the training, and didn't even support any assumption that Scott was even good at karate (winning European tournaments is a far cry from traditional karate or martial arts). I have to assume he was good, but on his account, training consisted of him getting zonked in the nose or mouth each class. Even with the Japanese class system that he described, or with his writing all of this fiction, you would expect him to have graduated at some level to where the split lips would have stopped. I remember the beatings of the 80's, but at some point doesn't your skill increase so you can defend or fend off the antagonists? It was a great read, and Scott has some talent in the fiction industry. I also find it odd and suspicious that he is so ingrained in the karate cult, that he was so willing to get zonked in the face repeatedly, but he was so clueless that his book would incite backlash from Japan. I believe everything he says actually, and experienced the negatives he describes, all true, but I believe that this book was either written with a purpose to break the umbilical cord or it was re-written with gloves off after the expulsion. From the beginning of the book, Scott must have known that what he was saying he would never utter to one of his sempai in person. There was a disconnect there. But great book that I read in 2 days!
Tags : Buy Karate Stupid: A True Story of Survival: Read 47 Books Reviews - Amazon.com,ebook,Scott Langley,Karate Stupid: A True Story of Survival,eBookPartnership.com,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY Sports,SPORTS & RECREATION Martial Arts & Self-Defense
Karate Stupid A True Story of Survival eBook Scott Langley Reviews
I cannot believe I nearly put this book down a few chapters in. All I an say after finishing the story is that I am simply amazed at Scott as a person and martial artist, his attitude and perseverance to make it through despite the things he experienced in a foreign country.
Well worth reading if your interested in Karate, the Martial Arts in general or even just Japanese culture.
I have a background in martial arts here in nz from the late 70s so I get this book, it is better written than most bios I have read in all genre, it hooks you in and the story is full of pain humour and you can feel yourself in his place.
I hope he writes another book
I truly enjoyed this book. I have been involved in the martial arts since I was 12....and spent some time studying Shotokan Karate......Scott brings us along with him. I actually felt like I was there. A very good book for those of us who have seriously studied karate.
I place this right up there with Angry White Pajamas as one of the absolute best martial arts books available. Scott writes well and his story is engaging. As someone who has visited Japan many times, I can say that his recollection of the country is accurate and also funny and astute.
A really interesting really into the dedication it takes to succeed as a Gaijin Karate-Ka in Japan during the early 00's.
Highly recommend as an anecdotal journey into Japanese Karate.
Do not read this book expecting insights into technique, it is more for insights into the dedication that Japanese Karate-Ka bring to the art.
I really enjoy reading accounts of westerners training in the orient in the martial arts. If the reader liked Nicol's "Moving Zen- Karate as a way to gentileness" Then he/she will probably enjoy this account of the author's time training in the instructor's program of the JKS. Not only are there excellent descriptions of the intense training, there are also stories of the author's encounters with a (sometimes) very different culture. Enjoyable from start to finish.
Other than the author whining about all the "beatings" he took during his training, I found this book to be extremely charming and enjoyable. This is one of those books that when you start it you just don't want to put it down. I found the author's narrative to be quite authentic. You won't be disappointed when you read this fine little book.
I enjoyed the book and couldn't put it down. It read like a great fiction complete with suspense, a protagonist, and antagonists; but it read less like a real story about a graduate of the instructor's course. There it fell far short. It lacked detail of what was going on with our beloved JKA, lacked real detail about the training, and didn't even support any assumption that Scott was even good at karate (winning European tournaments is a far cry from traditional karate or martial arts). I have to assume he was good, but on his account, training consisted of him getting zonked in the nose or mouth each class. Even with the Japanese class system that he described, or with his writing all of this fiction, you would expect him to have graduated at some level to where the split lips would have stopped. I remember the beatings of the 80's, but at some point doesn't your skill increase so you can defend or fend off the antagonists? It was a great read, and Scott has some talent in the fiction industry. I also find it odd and suspicious that he is so ingrained in the karate cult, that he was so willing to get zonked in the face repeatedly, but he was so clueless that his book would incite backlash from Japan. I believe everything he says actually, and experienced the negatives he describes, all true, but I believe that this book was either written with a purpose to break the umbilical cord or it was re-written with gloves off after the expulsion. From the beginning of the book, Scott must have known that what he was saying he would never utter to one of his sempai in person. There was a disconnect there. But great book that I read in 2 days!

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