Pregnancy and Men Your First Step Toward A Great Parenthood Pratik Patil 9781503138414 Books

Pregnancy and Men Your First Step Toward A Great Parenthood Pratik Patil 9781503138414 Books
I don't understand the rave reviews. It's not that it is bad, it just literally gave me little to no guidance. It was a lot of words but not a lot of useful ones. It was a quick read, but if you are looking for a good pregnancy prepper for new dads, there are plenty of other options out there that are more thorough and direct.
Tags : Pregnancy and Men: Your First Step Toward A Great Parenthood [Pratik Patil] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A breath of fresh air, a well executed guide for first time fathers with a flair to connect to the readers ~ Pennie Mae Cartawick. Author of the Sherlock Holmes book series There is so much information about the joys (and hazards!) of starting a family that it makes for fun reading for all ~ Grady Harp HALL OF FAME TOP 100 REVIEWER This is not a medical guide to Pregnancy. Primarily aimed at first-time fathers,Pratik Patil,Pregnancy and Men: Your First Step Toward A Great Parenthood,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1503138410,Family & Relationships : Parenting - Fatherhood,Family & RelationshipsParenting - Fatherhood,Family Parenting Childbirth,HEALTH & FITNESS Pregnancy & Childbirth,Health & Fitness,HealthFitness,Parenting - Fatherhood,Pregnancy & Childbirth,Pregnancy, birth & baby care,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS Parenting Fatherhood
Pregnancy and Men Your First Step Toward A Great Parenthood Pratik Patil 9781503138414 Books Reviews
‘Pregnancy and Men ‘ by author Pratik Patil is very informative and necessary guidebook. In each phase of pregnancy your spouse needs support and author has done awesome job to explain how to deal with it. This book keeps you engaged because author has given his own experiences which you can easily connect with. This is a book with fun facts and concise information so I would recommend it to all first time dads and moms.
Pregnancy and Men is an eye opener for men who are totally clueless about HOW, WHEN and WHY of their wife's / partner's pregnancy. It is a "must "read for every going to be, planning to be or have already been fathers. A good book with simple and easy to understand language.
Since i am going to be first time father very soon, I was looking for a book which would give me some insights about what to expect during my wifes pregnancy and as husband what i can do best to support her. After searching and reading lot of stuff on this topic when i got hold of this book and I read it, it really felt like a breath of fresh air. It is so easy to read and still with so much information which is so relevant.
As a husband you may feel lost about your role during pregnancy. This book not only talks about the correct attitude that you should have, but also what role and responsibility you have as a husband, so that you can be a great support and help to your wife, which will help her maintain healthy pregnancy. The book goes in details about pre-conception phase, trimesters of pregnancy and also post pregnancy phase along with all important deadlines and milestones including what to expect on the big day. I would highly recommend this book to any future or new parents to prepare for the roller coaster ride to parenthood. This book really is value for money and so much beyond that.
Unfortunately this book is patronizing, sexist, and filled with questionable information. It's an easy read though, so if you just want to make a gesture of participation, glance through. I wouldn't take the advice though. If you really want to help someone through a pregnancy, try Penny Simkin's The Birth Partner.
I have to disagree with some of the previous reviews- this most certainly is not a medical guide to pregnancy. It is essentially one man's experience of his wife's pregnancy. It does not cite any scientific research, and it could use a thorough language revision. The tone is at times a little condescending, often suggesting that you TELL your wife what she should be doing at different stages (e.g. what and how often she should eat). For all this, the idea of writing such a book is quite touching, and the author's love for his wife and child is clear to see. Maybe the book is worth a read, but it's unlikely you'll learn anything new here that you couldn't get from decent websites or other, more scientifically based books.
A very refreshing, simple and relevant compilation of all the stuff that goes into being a dad. The book is very fast faced with a good bit of humour sprinkled all over. References from personal life of the author add a good flavour and connect with the reader.
I highly recommend this book for first time dads.
Mr. Patil outlies some great tips for being a parent. As the father of a 3yo and another girl on the way, I found this book insightful
I don't understand the rave reviews. It's not that it is bad, it just literally gave me little to no guidance. It was a lot of words but not a lot of useful ones. It was a quick read, but if you are looking for a good pregnancy prepper for new dads, there are plenty of other options out there that are more thorough and direct.

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