Black Hole Sun David Macinnis Gill Books

Black Hole Sun David Macinnis Gill Books
So I was torn between giving Black Hole Sun a 3.5 or 4 star rating. At the end I settled on 4 stars. What clinched the deal, you ask? One word: Mimi. And who is Mimi, you would like to know? She's an AI flashcloned into Durango (what an awesome name, btw) brain. Oh, and she also used to be his old teacher/leader. And although she's technically and AI, she's also started to develop a bit of personality and sass.Basically, Mimi makes dialogue in the novel hilarious. The conversations she has with Durango crack me up and the fact she likes to quote "Earthern literature" makes it that much better. In many ways, Mimi reminded me of Iko from Cinder (another awesome book that you should read if you haven't already.)
Alright, moving onto to Durango. He's an interesting character. I wish more background was given regarding him--like how did he become Chief of his crew of Regulators (they're kind of like mercenary peace keepers....if that makes any sense.) Some info was given about why he's treated as a second class citizen (he didn't commit suicide when his father--a once esteemed Regulator--fell from grace, the way tradition calls for, thus making him a dalit and shunned upon.) But I think Durango made a great leader, especially with some help from Mimi.
The rest of the crew was kind of eh. Fuse and Jenkins kind of annoyed me. Especially Jenkins. I mean, how old is this guy? 17? 18? But he acts like a toddler. A toddler with a huge appetite and interest in smashing things. I mean, come on. But oh well, Mimi made up for my annoyance with Jenkins. (Gosh, I love Mimi--why can't I have a Mimi flashcloned into my head too?)
The plot. Although the entire story takes place probably within a week and once you boil down everything and realize the plot is actually very simple, it still takes 300+ pages to tell the tale. The reason? The descriptions and action. It seems like there is something going on every few minutes in Black Hole Sun. I mean after the initial intro/worldbuilding for the first 50ish pages, the rest of the book was pure action scenes. I honestly don't recall reading a single chapter without something blowing up.
Over all, I would rate this book a low 4 stars. I think the nonstop action actually dedramatized many of the fast paced scenes because readers get desensitized after a while. But the characters (*cough cought* Mimi) are fun to hang around/read about :-)

Tags : Black Hole Sun (9780061673047): David Macinnis Gill: Books,David Macinnis Gill,Black Hole Sun,Greenwillow Books,0061673048,Science Fiction - General,Mars (Planet),Mars (Planet);Fiction.,Science fiction,Science fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),Science fiction (Children's Teenage),TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes General (see also headings under Family),Young Adult FictionScience Fiction - General,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - General (see also headings under Family)
Black Hole Sun David Macinnis Gill Books Reviews
Good read. I look forward to more books from this author. Well thought out and planned. I will certainly
get the next t one.
This book was one that you can't help but get into, even if you don't like this sort of thing. It had the comedy, action, and romance that every book should have, even the cliffhanger at the end.
I need to find the next book, though I have a feeling there isn't one, I'm sure that there will be one soon. Si-fi fans are sure to enjoy this book. And even if you're not into the si-fi stuff, you'll get a kick out of the drip-feed of comedy and romance.
As far as a futuristic adventure story goes, I couldn't ask for more! I was certainly on the edge of my seat, and everything ties in almost perfectly. It was an excellent read.
It was expertly written, with some great words I don't see very often, along with futuristic lingo that's always fun. Unfortunately there were a few technical errors that can't be over looked but the story was so good it's hard to be too bothered with them.
Overall it was a great read and any futurist nerd, and Mass Effect player should love it! 4 stats!
The mining outposts no longer dominate the economy. Worse, mutant marauder cannibals called the Draeu, infest the mining regions. None of the mining families are safe.
But that’s just the beginning. The terraforming on Mars was never completed, and everyone except the elite who stopped all progress for their self-serving interests live in a polluted environment.
This is Durango’s world. Durango is a dalit, a warrior who did not sacrifice himself to death when his leader died. Forced from that point on to be a mercenary, he and his team find themselves defending an outpost mining camp against a swarm of Draeu.
This story will keep you on your toes as you weave in and out of the strange Martian cultures and begin unravel the hierarchy’s quest for power at the expense of the rest of humanity.
If you love science fiction as much as I do, you cannot help but agree that the story is very well done and deserves a full five stars.
I haven't had this much fun reading a shoot `em up scifi action adventure since Armor by John Steakly, only this one is better!
What happens doesn't really matter all that much. What does matter is that this is a character driven romp with a wise cracking, dedicated, leader named Durango, who leads a band of uber skilled, manically loyal Regulators who rope you in and make you feel a part of their band of brothers. You can't help but want to BE one of them. They're brash, they fist bump each other and scream their rebel yells in unison as they decimate their enemies. All the while, the snappy dialogue and sparse description keep you strapped in and along for the ride. If all that doesn't make you happy, Durango's secret love for one of his female fellow Regulators and his internal dialogue with the female computer in his brain show you a quality to the guy you can't help but love.
I picked up Dark Hole Sun for free and will gladly throw down a few bucks for the rest of the books in this series. It will be worth every penny.
So I was torn between giving Black Hole Sun a 3.5 or 4 star rating. At the end I settled on 4 stars. What clinched the deal, you ask? One word Mimi. And who is Mimi, you would like to know? She's an AI flashcloned into Durango (what an awesome name, btw) brain. Oh, and she also used to be his old teacher/leader. And although she's technically and AI, she's also started to develop a bit of personality and sass.
Basically, Mimi makes dialogue in the novel hilarious. The conversations she has with Durango crack me up and the fact she likes to quote "Earthern literature" makes it that much better. In many ways, Mimi reminded me of Iko from Cinder (another awesome book that you should read if you haven't already.)
Alright, moving onto to Durango. He's an interesting character. I wish more background was given regarding him--like how did he become Chief of his crew of Regulators (they're kind of like mercenary peace keepers....if that makes any sense.) Some info was given about why he's treated as a second class citizen (he didn't commit suicide when his father--a once esteemed Regulator--fell from grace, the way tradition calls for, thus making him a dalit and shunned upon.) But I think Durango made a great leader, especially with some help from Mimi.
The rest of the crew was kind of eh. Fuse and Jenkins kind of annoyed me. Especially Jenkins. I mean, how old is this guy? 17? 18? But he acts like a toddler. A toddler with a huge appetite and interest in smashing things. I mean, come on. But oh well, Mimi made up for my annoyance with Jenkins. (Gosh, I love Mimi--why can't I have a Mimi flashcloned into my head too?)
The plot. Although the entire story takes place probably within a week and once you boil down everything and realize the plot is actually very simple, it still takes 300+ pages to tell the tale. The reason? The descriptions and action. It seems like there is something going on every few minutes in Black Hole Sun. I mean after the initial intro/worldbuilding for the first 50ish pages, the rest of the book was pure action scenes. I honestly don't recall reading a single chapter without something blowing up.
Over all, I would rate this book a low 4 stars. I think the nonstop action actually dedramatized many of the fast paced scenes because readers get desensitized after a while. But the characters (*cough cought* Mimi) are fun to hang around/read about -)

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