The Girl Who Ruled FairylandFor a Little While A TorCom Original eBook Catherynne M Valente

The Girl Who Ruled FairylandFor a Little While A TorCom Original eBook Catherynne M Valente
Catherynne M. Valente is one of my favorite authors. This is the second book of hers that I have read and I felt much the same about this one as I did the first. It was a delightful change from the usual formulaic plot and bland characters employed in most contemporary novels.Mallow, Mabry, the Winds, and Fairyland are all so unique and different from anything else that it is impossible to forget this story. I love the way nothing is impossible in Fairyland. Cities are literally alive, the Winds ride wild Cats, and Mallow travels to the city with a charming stranger in a carriageless horse.
Stories like Valente's Fairyland books don't come along very often. She has come up with a truly original and unique fairytale that individuals of all ages can enjoy. I really enjoy the bits of philosophical wisdom that she imparts upon her readers throughout the story. These are my favorite quotes from the book:
"I have all the books I could need, and what more could I need than books?"
"Temptation likes best those who think they have a natural immunity, for it may laugh all the harder when they succumb."

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The Girl Who Ruled FairylandFor a Little While A TorCom Original eBook Catherynne M Valente Reviews
This is going to be a very short review because this book is very short. It is a prequel for The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making. It is available only as an ebook. I’m not sure if it is only on the or if you can get it other places.
This story is told the same way as the first book. It is told from the perspective of a narrator that is telling the story of Mallow, who becomes Princess Mallow that is talked about throughout the first book.
I liked being able to see how Mallow became Princess Mallow. You were also able to see a couple of other people that you are introduced to in the first story. If you liked The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland… I think you will like this story too.
This digital addition to the series is a brief one, set before the events of The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making. Mallow is the central character here, and Valente provides more background in Mallow's rise to ruling Fairyland. Other familiar characters and creatures appear here, too - Valente's clever and wonderfully creative writing style remains consistent even in this abbreviated storyline. Truly, my only complaint is that I wish it had been longer! It really is just a short story and overall, not terribly vital to the overall series arc, but it is still fun to read and offers more details into the fascinating Fairyland. What a wonderful series! It's just a tantalizing enough taste to make me really excited to read The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There.
A short but satisfying prequel to Valente's Fairyland series of novels, this story offers intriguing glimpses into the history of the Fairyland that September, the protagonist of the novels, visits later. As usual with this author's work, the details of the setting and characters are creative and original (I was quite fond of the Carriageless Horse, Mabry Muscat, and Mallow herself), and fans of the novels will doubtless enjoy learning more about the characters who show up in the main storyline. This story has spoilers for the first novel, so it's best read after that one, but can be read before the second or third. I would love to see more of these short stories; part of what makes Valente's Fairlyand so rich and interesting is the sense of history, of other characters' stories that intertwine with the main plot, so it is a lot of fun to get more details on that. While I'm not sure how well "The Girl Who Ruled Fairyland" would stand on its own, it's a great prequel to the novels.
WARNING Review contains spoilers.
Catherynne M. Valente's "Fairyland" series is one of my favorite YA series of all time. It has a feisty, resourceful heroine, a delightful cast of supporting characters, a setting that's both whimsical and dangerous, and a writing style that deftly straddles the line between lyrical prose and wry, fourth-wall-breaking commentary. I've read all five books in the series and enjoyed them very much, and was left hungry for more of Valente's writing. I know she has a list of adult novels to choose from (and I've already read and enjoyed "Radiance" and have plans to pick up and read "Deathless" soon), but for the time being I decided to give "The Girl Who Ruled Fairyland - For a Little While" a read. Any more information to be had about Mallow, one of the series' supporting characters, had to be interesting, and I hoped to see more of her rise to power and fall to darkness.
Sadly, while this story still holds much of the charm of the "Fairyland" series, it answers very few questions regarding Mallow, and feels rather lacking in substance.
Mallow is a human girl living in a simple house outside of Winesap, a fairy village, who contents herself with books and learning magic instead of haring off on adventures like most children who fall into Fairyland. But when the King of Fairyland, a monstrous being called Goldmouth, hails all citizens of Fairyland to the World Foul in Pandemonium for a traditional tithe, Mallow packs a bag and sets off. Along the way she meets a Jack-in-the-Green in an iron horse, and finds herself befriending the Winds and their feline steeds. But Pandemonium is falling to ruin, in no small thanks to King Goldmouth, who would devour it all to satisfy his hunger. And when the terrible truth behind his tithe comes out, Mallow finds that it just might fall on her, an ordinary girl, to save Fairyland from his terrible reign...
Valente's writing remains delightful, and she has a knack for clever sayings and insightful details. She continues to weave a beautiful picture of Fairyland and its denizens, and it was nice to see previous characters make a return. I did notice some inconsistencies with other books in the series, however. Pandemonium was a city made of cloth in the books, but seems to be a normal city of stone and brick and mortar here. Did it magically change between books, or is this a continuity error? Also, the rules for the succession of the Winds seem to have changed between books as well. Readers do appreciate consistency between books, and it bugs me when these crop up in fiction.
Oddly enough, there's very little information about Mallow here that wasn't available in previous books. I picked this up expecting to learn more about Mallow's reign, her evolution to Marquess, and/or her past before coming to Fairyland. The only key event of her past in this book, however, is her ascension to the throne of Fairyland, and even this is hurriedly glossed over. I ended up learning more about King Goldmouth, a key antagonist of the fourth and fifth books, and the Green Wind, September's friend, than about Mallow herself -- the story tells us more about Goldmouth's reign and the Green Wind's backstory than about Mallow.
Also, the ending to this story felt rushed, as if Valente had a minimum word count and had to cram the story in to fit it. I feel this story could have been longer, perhaps made a novella or even a full-fledged book of its own. As it is, it feels like a fragment of a longer story.
While any glimpse of Fairyland is still welcome, this one feels largely empty, without much substance and ending before anything actually happens. This e-book/short story will probably be most appreciated by die-hard fans and completionists of the series, but it still feels pretty superfluous overall. One can easily skip this and miss very little of the overall story of Fairyland.
Catherynne M. Valente is one of my favorite authors. This is the second book of hers that I have read and I felt much the same about this one as I did the first. It was a delightful change from the usual formulaic plot and bland characters employed in most contemporary novels.
Mallow, Mabry, the Winds, and Fairyland are all so unique and different from anything else that it is impossible to forget this story. I love the way nothing is impossible in Fairyland. Cities are literally alive, the Winds ride wild Cats, and Mallow travels to the city with a charming stranger in a carriageless horse.
Stories like Valente's Fairyland books don't come along very often. She has come up with a truly original and unique fairytale that individuals of all ages can enjoy. I really enjoy the bits of philosophical wisdom that she imparts upon her readers throughout the story. These are my favorite quotes from the book
"I have all the books I could need, and what more could I need than books?"
"Temptation likes best those who think they have a natural immunity, for it may laugh all the harder when they succumb."

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